Sustainable success through a holistic approach

Identification of value creation potentials

V&M Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes GmbH

Value creation potentials in production identified

Elaboration of a catalogue of measures for the maintenance and expansion of a large-diameter pipe straightening press, technical modifications to increase operational safety and plant availability, sustainable seven-figure investment measure savings

V&M Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes GmbH

Value-added potentials in production evaluated

Wear pattern analysis in the 2 million Nm drive train of pilger rolls, FEM component analysis for operating cost optimisation of tube production at the pilger roll stand

LG. Philips Displays GmbH

Value-added potential identified in series production

Analysis of production processes, conceptual design, calculation and evaluation of optimisation measures, development of a catalogue of measures to increase productivity and quality, conceptual design of a system for automatic correction of operating parameters

Otto Junker GmbH

Value-added potentials identified in machine and plant construction

Analysis of manufacturing and assembly costs, structuring of technical tasks, definition of the purpose of cost-intensive assemblies and technical details, conceptual design, development and construction of purpose-oriented assemblies, 70% reduction of manufacturing and assembly costs

Industry and affiliated companies

ThyssenKrupp Steel AG (steel industry)
Deutsche Bahn AG (railways)
DB Systemtechnik (railways)
LG. Philips Displays GmbH (glass and electronics industry)
HKM Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann GmbH (steel industry)
EWK Edelstahlwerke Witten-Krefeld GmbH (steel industry)
V&M Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes GmbH (steel industry)
SMS Meer GmbH (machine and plant engineering)
Otto Junker GmbH (machine and plant engineering)
Toyota Motorsport GmbH (Automotive)
FEV Motorentechnik GmbH (engine technology)
HuDe GmbH (coking technologies)
PicoLas GmbH (laser technology)
ProLas Produktionslaser GmbH (laser technology)
LSC GmbH (paper industry)
Enerpac A.P. GmbH (hydraulics)
Minrocon GmbH (raw materials and recycling)
M+W Maschinen und Werkzeugbau GmbH (tools, machine and plant engineering)
BWS Technologie GmbH (food industry)
Erich Weller GmbH & Co. KG (chemical industry)
Gebr. Wolff GmbH & Co. KG (mechanical engineering)
Kabelwerke Reinshagen GmbH (automotive suppliers)
SusTech GmbH & Co. KG (chemical industry)
M&V Marketing- und Verlags GmbH (paper industry)
QuadLED GmbH (light and lighting)
Weerulin GmbH (refractory)
Genam GmbH (raw materials and recycling)
Wärtsilä Funa Int. GmbH (shipyards)
Lush GmbH KG (chemical industry)

Universities and research institutes

IEHK Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy of RWTH Aachen University
IKV Institute for Plastics Processing at RWTH Aachen University
LLT Chair for Laser Technology at RWTH Aachen University
DWI German Wool Research Institute (Leibniz Institute) at RWTH Aachen University
TEXMC Textile Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry at RWTH Aachen University
ITA Institute for Textile Technology at RWTH Aachen University
TEER Institute Technology of Energy Resources at RWTH Aachen University
IFS Institute for Joining and Welding Technology at RWTH Aachen University
IWW Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management of RWTH Aachen University
University Hospital of the RWTH Aachen
WZL Machine Tool Laboratory of RWTH Aachen University
ISF Institute for Welding and Joining Technology of the TU Braunschweig
WFK - Technology Institute e.V. Krefeld

Authorities and ministries

Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court
Cologne Regional Labour Court
AiF German Federation of Industrial Research Associations
BMBF Federal Ministry of Education and Research
BMWi Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology

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